Our Ambassadors

Thank you for being a part of the AninestEco story

This page is dedicated to you, our incredible ambassadors, who have chosen to be part of the AninestEco adventure. Thanks to your commitment, your sharing, and your passion, you not only contribute to growing our brand, but you are also part of our story forever.

By honoring you here, we want to thank you warmly and show the world that you are and will always be an essential pillar of what we are and what we will become.

Your support is precious, and we are honored to have you among us! ❤️


Pair text with an image to highlight the product, collection or blog post of your choice. Add information about availability or style. You can even provide a review.


Hello friends, I'm Umi, a Shiba Inu who will soon be 2 years old. I'm very sociable with my peers, humans and children.

I am gentle, a quiet force. Very independent too but when I need cuddles I ask for ++++ from my human. A strong character, when I don't want something I make it known. A dog/cat who judges my human 24/7!

I have been part of the AninestEco adventure since March 2, 2024, if you are curious to see my little life you can follow the account of my human @alipetscare19 (ps: she is a veterinary assistant and she gives super cool advice without giving her flowers) see you soon pawtos!


Hello friends! I'm Utah, I'm a little over a year old and I'm an Australian Shepherd. I come from Alsace.

My start in life was not very nice. My mistress didn't have me until I was 6 months old and I didn't know how to do anything, I wasn't clean.

Today I'm still a little crazy, I like to play with other dogs but I get so excited that I bark when I see them so the owners are scared. But it's okay, we're working on it! I love water, digging and playing!

I have been an AninestEco ambassador since July 30, 2024 (yes, it's brand new!) and I am delighted!

If you want to see my little dog life, don't hesitate to take a look on Insta: @utahaussie6

Thanks to AninestEco for their work and sharing their passion with us!

Kisses friends!


Salut les copains, c’est moi, Maloo ! Le fameux chien croisé venu tout droit de Roumanie. J’ai 3 ans maintenant, et depuis un peu plus de 2 ans, je vis la belle vie avec ma famille. Ils disent que je suis un vrai bonheur… bon, sauf quand je fais mes petites bêtises, mais ça, c’est le charme Maloo !

Mon truc préféré ? La neige ! J'y passe des heures à courir, sauter et m’éclater. Mais attention, je suis aussi un grand explorateur des bois. Pendant les balades, je m’éclipse parfois pour trouver des trésors : des os ou des restes de carcasses bien cachés. Oui, je sais, ma maman n’apprécie pas toujours, mais moi, je trouve ça génial ! 😅😂

À la maison, je cohabite avec Tokyo, une minette qui est carrément fan de moi… peut-être même un peu trop ! 😆 Moi ? Disons que je reste fidèle à mon style cool et détaché 😎. J’ai aussi deux autres colocataires félins, Chewie et Bali, mais eux, ils sont un peu plus dans leur monde et moins in love de moi… chacun son truc après tout !

Si tu veux suivre mes aventures, viens faire un tour sur mon compte Insta : @ma_vie_de_maloo. Tu y trouveras plein de photos de moi en mode aventurier, explorateur ou roi des neiges. À bientôt !